The youth exchange entitled The World of Roma seeks to bring young people closer to the culture and way of living of the Roma community, since the Roma people have through time developed specific characteristics that distinguish them from other groups (language, habits, etc.). We are aware that the Roma community remains one of the most stigmatized, excluded and marginalized groups of society. Discrimination starts before their school entry, thus beginning their lack of education, leading to poor education acquisition, disabling the group from entering the labour market, gain health care and increases dependence on social welfare. Within the project, we will place emphasis on healthy life style, education and schooling.
Kakšne aktivnosti nameravate izvesti? Koliko udeležencev bo vključenih in kakšen je njihov profil?
V izmenjavo smo vključeni mladi, stari od 18 do 30 let, nekatere vodje pa so starejši od 30 let. Nekateri od nas so mladi z manj priložnostmi, iz oddaljenih, podeželskih krajev, kateri nimamo tolikšne možnosti dostopnosti do takšnih programov. Prav tako je v naši skupini moč najti posameznike iz ekonomsko slabše stoječega okolja. Skupno vsem nam je, da nas zanima romska kultura, da si želimo bolje spoznati življenje Romov drugod po svetu in se seznaniti s problematikami te kulture. Mladi udeleženci iz različnih evropskih držav bomo tako raziskovali možnosti, predvsem pa aktivnosti Romov na področju izobraževanja ter posledično tudi zaposlovanja. Vsaka država bo med udeleženci imela tudi Rome, zato bomo naš fokus usmerili tudi na njih in jim dali priložnost, da z nami delijo svoje zgodbe, svoje izkušnje. Osredotočili se bomo na primere dobrih praks, ki jih bo predstavila vsaka država ter obiskali največje romsko naselje v Sloveniji – Pušča. Posvetili se bomo znanim osebnostim z romskimi koreninami, fokus pa bomo usmerili tudi na zdrav način življenja Romov in na zdravje v romskih skupnostih. Delovne metode so: icebreaker igre, energizerji, timsko/skupinsko delo, interaktivne in kreativne delavnice, »open space« delavnice, razprave, refleksije, igre vlog, neformalna druženja itd.
The exchange includes young people between 18 and 30. Some leaders over 30 years. Some of us are young people with fewer opportunities and are from distant rural areas which do not have access to such programmes. In our group, there are also some individuals that are from economically deprived social environment. All of us share an interest in Roma culture, we want to get to know the lives of the Roma people elsewhere in the world and get acquainted with the key elements of this culture. Young participants from different European countries will explore opportunities and, most of all, activities of Roma members in the areas of education and, consequently, employment. Members of the Roma community will be included among participants from each country, giving them the opportunity to share their stories and experiences. We will focus on good practice examples presented by each participating country and visit the largest Roma settlement in Slovenia – Pušča. We will also focus on famous people od Roma origin, the promotion of healthy lifestyle among members of the Roma community as well as raise the issue of health in Roma settlements. Working methods include: icebreaker games, energizers, team work, interactive and creative workshops, open space workshops, discussions, interpretations, role-play games, informal gatherings, etc.
Kakšni so pričakovani rezultati in učinek vašega projekta?
Cilj je, da bomo mladi z udeležbo v projekt Svet Romov pridobili več znanja o romskem življenju, kulturi, težavah s katerimi se srečujemo Romi posvetu, skozi projekt bomo osebnostno rasli ter postali še bolj tolerantni. Izboljšali bomo znanje tujega jezika (predvsem angleščine), prilagajanja, sprejemanja odgovornosti, deljenja nalog, iskanja načinov za čim boljše medsebojno sodelovanje, urili se bomo v timskemu delu, ki je v današnjem svetu zelo pomembna kompetenca. Ob koncu izmenjave bo vsaka od skupin (držav) pripravila reportažo o izmenjavi ter pridobljene izkušnje ter znanje, ob prihodu domov, delila naprej. Z udeležbo v projektu bomo razvili aktivnejšo držo v družbi, hkrati bomo bolj motivirani za aktivno udejstvovanje v drugih projektih Erasmus+.
The main goal is for young people to participate in the project »The World of Roma« to gain more knowledge about the life and culture of the Roma community, the problems that the Roma face around the world. Through the project we will personally grow and become even more tolerant. We will improve the knowledge of foreign language (especially English), ways of adapting to new people, learn to accept responsibility, tasks sharing, find ways to work together and learn about team work, which is a very important competence nowadays. At the end of the exchange, each of the groups (countries) will prepare a report on the exchange, and share the acquired experience and knowledge in their home country. By participating in the project, we will develop a more active attitude in society, while at the same time we will be more motivated for active engagement in other Erasmus + projects.
Asociatia SUPER TINERI (ASIRYS) - Romania
CESIE - Italy