RIS Dvorec Rakičan je v sklopu treh mladinskih projektov (»Ciganska duša«, ROMANO DROM in »Take a step against discrimination”), ki se izvajajo s programom Erasmus+ Mladi v Akciji obeležil Svetovni dan spomina na žrtve holokavsta. 27. januarja obeležujemo obletnico osvoboditve nacističnega koncentracijskega taborišča Auschwitz-Birkenau in se spominjamo milijonov judovskih žensk, moških in otrok ter vseh drugih žrtev, med njimi več sto tisoč Romov in Sintov, ki so bili umorjeni med holokavstom. Koordinatorji projektov in nekateri udeleženci so naredili fotografijo z napisom #WeRemember (#MiSeSpominjamo).
RIS mansion Rakičan marked the World Holocaust Remembrance Day as part of three youth projects (“Gypsy Soul”, ROMANO DROM and “Take a step against discrimination”), which will be implemented through the Erasmus + Youth programme. January 27th marks the anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp and commemorates the millions of Jewish women, men and children and all other victims, including the hundreds of thousands of Roma and Sinti who were murdered during the Holocaust. Project coordinators and some participants took a photo with the caption #WeRemember.